Contact & Network

Eden Artech is transdisciplinary research program that stands for Ethics, Design and Empowerment for Nature through ARts and TECHnologies.

In its first step (2019-2023), Eden Artech involved researchers from IMT (Institut Mines-Télécom) and EHESS (School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences) (France),  Roskilde University (Denmark), University of Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne and Art & Science International Institute (France). Eden Artech received funding in 2020 from ANR and more specifically MRSEI grant (Setting up European or International Scientific Networks).



Pierre-Antoine Chardel


Partners & International Network

Avenati, Olaf (research collaborator): (2022) “Osez voir! Donner formes aux données. Le programme Datavisualisation de l’ESAD de Reims”, Revue Etudes Digitales, Garnier-Flammarion ; (2022) With Armen Khatchatourov, Pierre-Antoine Chardel & Isabelle Queval (Dir), Corps connectés : figures, fragments, discours, Presses des Mines / ESAD de Reims

Avers, Isabelle (research collaborator): (2023 Forth.), “Innovation dans les jeux-vidéo en Afrique, vers un marché émergent ?”, co-written with Sithe N’cube, to be published in Introduction aux théories des jeux vidéo, under the direction of Sébastien Genvo; (2022) “Un Dakar rétro-futuriste aux dix ans de Parcours », Makery. Le média de tous les Labs, 2 February

Carmes, Maryse (research collaborator): (2022) Habiter les hybrides. Une écosophie des métrologies distribuées. Sémio-politiques des milieux et des données en contexte d’urgence écologique, HDR soutenue au CNAM, Paris; (2022) With Himbert, M., Arruabarrena, B., Techniques de l’Ingénieur – Les sciences de l’ingénieur et les métrologies citoyennes : conditions pour le développement de littératies plurielles, revue TI

Chardel, Pierre-Antoine (research collaborator): (2022) With Emeline Gougeon and Jacques Verron “Politique du sensible et économie des affects dans la crise environnementale. Enjeux épistémologiques, esthétiques et éthiques”, Revue française d’éthique appliquée, Edition Erès; (2020) “Données environnementales et régimes d’attention dans la crise écologique. Enjeux herméneutiques, éthiques et esthétiques”, in Les Cahiers du numérique, Lavoisier, Les métrologies citoyennes : perspectives et enjeux techno-politiques des données, 16 (2-4), pp.117-135

Colombo, Fabien (research collaborator): (2020) With Franck Cormerais, Philippe Béraud, Fabien Colombo. “L’en-deçà de l’Anthropocène, le Capitalocène”, in revue Etudes digitales, Classiques Garnier, Capitalocène et plateformes. Hommage à Bernard Stiegler, (9), pp.43-52; (2018) With Nestor Engone Elloué and Bertrand Guest, “Prêter attention aux mondes. Vers une écologie décentrée, plurielle et interprétative”, N° 13, Écologie et Humanités, in Essais. Revue interdisciplinaire d’Humanités

Gougeon, Emeline (research collaborator): (2024 Forth.) “Cross-Cutting (Bio-)Art Projects Facing The Crisis of Sensitivity”, to be published in Bio Art before Bio Art under the direction of Julio Velasco and Klaus Weber; (2019) With Chardel, P-A.,“Crosscutting Artistic Creations, Between Technology, Natural and Social Sciences: Eco-ethical Stakes and Challenges”. In Sharing Society. The Impact of Collaborative Collective Actions in the Transformation of Contemporary Societies, 1:514-525. Edited by Benjamin Tejerina et al. Bilbao

Havsteen-Mikkelsen, Asmund (research collaborator): (2020) Community of contribution. A Non-Philosophical Proposition, A Mock Book, Copenhagen; (2020) “Aesthetics of the Anthropocene”, in Handbook of Business Legitimacy – Responsibility, Ethics and Society, Springer Verlag, Berlin; (2015) Non-Philosophy and Contemporary Art, A Mock Book, Copenhagen.

Hazard, Benoit (research collaborator): (2021) With Jean-Bernard Ouédraogo, Abel Kouvouama (eds), Les zones critiques d’une anthropologie du contemporain, Editions Ibidem; (2020) “African anthropocene”, in Oxford encyclopedia of African History, Editor in Chief: Thomas Spear (Peer-Reviewed and Oxford Validated: All articles are written and peer reviewed by certified experts of the topic); (2017) “Anthropocene versus anthropo-scènes », halshs-01505329

Kisseleva, Olga (research collaborator): (2022) With Lilia Chak, “Adopters of Creative Technologies” in Encyclopedia of New Media Art, Bloomsbury; (2020) “Prêtez l’oreille aux arbres”, in L’intelligence des plantes en question, Marc-Williams Debono (dir.), éd. Hermann; (2017) Contre-temps: actes du colloque performatif (Louvre-Lens, 5-7 juillet 2013), Publications de la Sorbonne, Paris

Khatchatourov, Armen, (research collaborator): (2020) With collaboration of Pierre-Antoine Chardel & Andrew Feenberg, Digital Identities in tension: between autonomy and control. Wiley; (2019) “Augmentation et origine : le corps et son rapport aux objets techniques”, in L’humain augmenté [Numéro spécial], Revue Corps et psychisme; (2015) With Laurent, M, Levallois-Barth, C., “Privacy in Digital Identity Systems: Models, Assessment, and User Adoption”. In Electronic Government (pp. 273-290), Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences, Springer.

Lysgaard, Jonas Andreasen (research collaborator): (2022) With Johan Öhman, Sustainability issues as controversial educational content, Ghent University; (2019) With Bengtsson, S., & Laugesen, M. H.-L, Dark Pedagogy, Palgrave; (2018) Learning from Bad Practice in Environmental and Sustainability Education, Peter Lang; (2015) « The roots and routes of environmental and sustainability education policy research », Environmental Education Research, November.

Rendtorff, Jacob Dahl (research collaborator): (2021) “From Philosophy of Technology to Bioethics and Biolaw: Challenges to Peter Kemp’s Ethics of the Irreplaceable”, Journal of Eco-ethica; (2019) Philosophy of Management and Sustainability: Rethinking Business Ethics and Social Responsibility in Sustainable Development. Emerald Group Publishing, Bingley; (2018), Cosmopolitan Business Ethics: Towards a Global Ethos of Management. Routledge, London. Finance, Governance and Sustainability: Challenges to Theory and Practice Series

Vermeylen, Saskia (research collaborator): (2020) With Odendaal, W., Gilbert, J., “Recognition of ancestral land claims for indigenous peoples and marginalized communities in Namibia: a case study of the Hai||om litigation” in Neither Here Nor There: Indigeneity, Marginalisation and Land Rights in Post-Independence Namibia. W. & Werner, W. (eds.). Windhoek, Namibia, pp. 121-142; (2017) “Materiality and the ontological turn in the anthropocene: establishing a dialogue between law, anthropology and eco-philosophy”, Environmental Law and Governance for the Anthropocene. Kotze, L. (ed.). Oxford, 15 Jun 2017, pp. 137-162.